Informations about the album Aladdin Sane by David Bowie
We are going to show you the latest album by David Bowie entitled Aladdin Sane. The album has been released on Friday 13 April 1973.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Lodger / “Heroes” / David Bowie/Space Oddity / David Bowie/Space Oddity (1990 Reissue) / Hunky Dory / The Next Day / Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) / No Plan / The Man Who Sold the World / Bowie at the Beeb / The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars / Reality / Diamond Dogs / 1. Outside / Sound + Vision / Labyrinth (From the Original Soundtrack of the Jim Henson Film) / Changesonebowie / Young Americans / Let’s Dance / Rare / Dance / Tryin’ To Get To Heaven / Mother.
The list of 11 songs that compose the album is here:
This is a small list of songs created by David Bowie that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Aladdin Sane
- Time
- The Jean Genie
- Panic in Detroit
- Lady Grinning Soul
- A Lad in Vain
- Cracked Actor
- Let's Spend the Night Together
- Drive-In Saturday
- The Prettiest Star
- Watch That Man
Some lyrics and translations of David Bowie
- Rock ‘n’ Roll SuicideDavid Bowie
- MotherDavid Bowie
- Tryin’ To Get To HeavenDavid Bowie
- Shining Star [2018 Remastered Version]David Bowie
- Cat PeopleDavid Bowie
- HeatDavid Bowie
- Oh! You Pretty ThingsDavid Bowie
- HeldenDavid Bowie
- Alternative CandidateDavid Bowie
- China GirlDavid Bowie
- FameDavid Bowie
- John, I’m Only DancingDavid Bowie
- Tonight - 1999 Remastered VersionDavid Bowie
- Golden YearsDavid Bowie
- As The World Falls DownDavid Bowie
- All The MadmenDavid Bowie
- Growin' UpDavid Bowie
- The Jean GenieDavid Bowie
- Station To StationDavid Bowie
- Ashes To AshesDavid Bowie