Informations about the album Aladdin Original Motion Picture Soundtrack by Zayn & Zhavia Ward
Wednesday 22 May 2019 is the date of the release of Zayn & Zhavia Ward new album, entitled Aladdin Original Motion Picture Soundtrack.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Aladdin (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack).
The list of 33 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Zayn & Zhavia Ward may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Hakim's Loyalty Tested by Alan Menken
- A Whole New World
- Prince Ali's Outfit by Alan Menken
- Jafar's Final Wish by Alan Menken
- Simple Oil Lamp by Alan Menken
- One Jump Ahead
- Speechless
- Jasmine Meets Prince Anders by Alan Menken
- Returning the Bracelet by Alan Menken
- Friend Like Me by Will Smith
- The Wedding by Alan Menken
- Until Tomorrow by Alan Menken
- Carpet Chase by Alan Menken
- Aladdin's Hideout by Alan Menken
- Harvest Dance by Alan Menken
- The Big Ship by Alan Menken
- Most Powerful Sorcerer by Alan Menken
- Aladdin’s Second Wish by Alan Menken
- Prince Ali by Will Smith
- Genie Set Free by Alan Menken
- Never Called a Master Friend by Alan Menken
- Arabian Nights
- The Cave of Wonders by Alan Menken
- Agrabah Marketplace by Alan Menken
- One Jump Ahead by Mena Massoud
- Escape From the Cave by Alan Menken
- Jafar Becomes Sultan by Alan Menken
- A Whole New World by Mena Massoud & Naomi Scott
- The Dunes by Alan Menken
- Breaking In by Alan Menken
- Jafar Summons the Storm by Alan Menken
- The Basics by Alan Menken
- Friend Like Me