Informations about the album À la poursuite du bonheur by M. Pokora
Wednesday 30 November 2011 is the date of the release of M. Pokora new album, entitled À la poursuite du bonheur.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: PYRAMIDE / R.E.D. / Player / PYRAMIDE (Version deluxe) / My Way.
The list of 17 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that M. Pokora may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Juste Un Instant
- On Est Là
- Sauve-Toi
- Reste Comme Tu Es
- Encore + fort
- Hallelujah
- Je voudrais vous dire
- Plus Haut
- Mes Rêveurs
- Si Tu Pars
- Envole-Moi
- Mon Évidence
- Cours
- Chacun
- Je serai l¿
- Merci d'être
- Danse Sur Ma Musique
If you are fan of M. Pokora you can follow one of his following concerts around the Europe, here are some:
Some lyrics and translations of M. Pokora
- SenoritaM. Pokora
- Comme D’habitudeM. Pokora
- La Regarder S’en AllerM. Pokora
- Two Left FeetM. Pokora
- Si On DisaitM. Pokora
- California SunsetM. Pokora
- Ouh Na NaM. Pokora
- On DanseM. Pokora
- Les PlanètesM. Pokora
- ZizizazaM. Pokora
- Tango électriqueM. Pokora
- Le MondeM. Pokora
- Ce Soir, Je Lui Dis ToutM. Pokora
- Go MamaM. Pokora
- TombéM. Pokora