Informations about the album A D10s Le Pido by Los Chikos del Maíz
We are going to show you the latest album by Los Chikos del Maíz entitled A D10s Le Pido. The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Comancheria / Pasión de Talibanes / Miedo y Asco en Valencia.
The list of 2 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Los Chikos Del Maíz. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Spain is Different (Profunda y cañí)
- S.O.S. MC's de combate
Some lyrics and translations of Los Chikos Del Maíz
- InterestelarLos Chikos Del Maíz
- Spain Is DifferentLos Chikos Del Maíz
- BarrionalistasLos Chikos Del Maíz
- LibrerosLos Chikos Del Maíz
- C.o.p.$.Los Chikos Del Maíz
- Trabajador@sLos Chikos Del Maíz
- Maniquís & PlásticoLos Chikos Del Maíz
- Abierto Hasta El AmanecerLos Chikos Del Maíz
- Los Hijos De Iván DragoLos Chikos Del Maíz
- ComancheríaLos Chikos Del Maíz
- No PasaránLos Chikos Del Maíz