Informations about the album 445e Nuit by Népal
Thursday 21 September 2017 is the date of the release of Népal new album, entitled 445e Nuit.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like 16par16 / 444 Nuits / Adios Bahamas / #KKSHISENSE8 / Règlement Space.
The list of 8 songs that compose the album is here:
This is a small list of songs created by Népal that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Niveau 1
- Kodak White
- Jugements
- Maladavexa
- Deadpornstars
- Kamehouse
- Insomnie
- Love64
Some lyrics and translations of Népal
- BenjiNépal
- Même VieNépal
- Coach KNépal
- Dans Le FondNépal
- CheddarNépal
- Règlement Space #4 by LuXeNépal
- CrossfaderNépal
- Sans VoirNépal
- MillionaireNépal
- LemonadeNépal
- VibeNépal
- TrajectoireNépal
- En FaceNépal
- Ennemis, Pt. 2Népal
- OpeningNépal
- SundanceNépal
- 150ccNépal
- DarumaNépal
- Règlement Space #3Népal
- Skyclub RemixNépal