Informations about the album by Lady A
We are going to show you the latest album by Lady A entitled . The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Heart Break / Lady Antebellum / Need You Now / Own The Night / Golden / On This Winter’s Night (Deluxe).
The list of 0 songs that compose the album is here:
Some lyrics and translations of Lady A
- Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!Lady A
- HurtLady A
- This ChristmasLady A
- The First NoëlLady A
- Silent NightLady A
- Silver BellsLady A
- Christmas Through Your EyesLady A
- Can’t Stand The RainLady A
- Just A KissLady A
- Our Kind Of LoveLady A
- American HoneyLady A
- Love Don’t Live HereLady A
- You Look GoodLady A
- Need You NowLady A
- Champagne NightLady A