Informations about the album ? (Deluxe) by Xxxtentacion
Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of Xxxtentacion new album, entitled ? (Deluxe).
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: SKINS / ? (Question Mark) / Bad Vibes Forever / ? (Question Mark) / XXX (UNMASTERED) / Mona Lisa / XXXTENTACION Presents: Members Only, Vol. 3 / Revenge / ItWillAllBeOverSoon.
The album is composed by 20 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
This is a small list of songs created by Xxxtentacion that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Floor 555 (Instrumental)
- ALONE, PART 3 (Instrumental)
- SAD! (Instrumental)
- Red Light!
- Hope (Freestyle)
- Indecision
- Hope (Instrumental)
- Moonlight (Instrumental)
- NUMB (Acoustic)
- I don’t even speak spanish lol
- Introduction (instructions)
- $$$
- Pain = BESTFRIEND (Instrumental)
- Jah on drums
- Nocturne
- SMASH! (Instrumental)
- NUMB (Instrumental)
Some lyrics and translations of Xxxtentacion
- The Remedy For A Broken HeartXxxtentacion
- IloveitwhentheyrunXxxtentacion
- AngelXxxtentacion
- In The EndXxxtentacion
- RiotXxxtentacion
- Dead InsideXxxtentacion
- The ExplanationXxxtentacion
- Shining Like The NorthstarXxxtentacion
- wanna Grow OldXxxtentacion
- School GlobesXxxtentacion
- SlipknotXxxtentacion
- Maxipads 4 Everyone!Xxxtentacion
- Boost!Xxxtentacion
- Static ShockXxxtentacion
- Butthole Girl!Xxxtentacion
- What In XxxtarnationXxxtentacion
- Find MeXxxtentacion
- Off The Wall!Xxxtentacion
- GenevaXxxtentacion
- ecstasyXxxtentacion