Informations about the album by Charlie Puth
Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of Charlie Puth new album, entitled .
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Nine Track Mind (Deluxe) / The One and Only Ivan (Original Soundtrack Score).
The album is composed by 0 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
Some lyrics and translations of Charlie Puth
- Some Type Of LoveCharlie Puth
- FreeCharlie Puth
- Not A Good Time*Charlie Puth
- GirlfriendCharlie Puth
- Marvin GayeCharlie Puth
- As You AreCharlie Puth
- Nothing But TroubleCharlie Puth
- Up All NightCharlie Puth
- SufferCharlie Puth
- Cheating On YouCharlie Puth
- MotherCharlie Puth
- Bad HabitCharlie Puth
- I Warned MyselfCharlie Puth
- Then There's YouCharlie Puth
- We Don't Talk AnymoreCharlie Puth
- The Way I AmCharlie Puth
- ChangeCharlie Puth
- Done For MeCharlie Puth
- If You Leave Me NowCharlie Puth
- How LongCharlie Puth