Informations about the album by Cage The Elephant
Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of Cage The Elephant new album, entitled .
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Social Cues / Melophobia / Skin and Bones.
This is the list of 0 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
If you don't want to miss the live Cage The Elephant concert you can follow one of the following concerts:
- 2020/03/02 19:00 - 013 - Tilburg ( Paesi Bassi)
- 2020/03/04 21:00 - Fabrique - Milano (Italia)
- 2/02/2025 - L'OLYMPIA - Paris (Francia)
- 2/02/2025 - Live Music Hall - Cologne (Germania)
- 2/02/2025 - Live Music Hall - Cologne (Germania)
- 2/02/2025 - Astra Kulturhaus - Berlin (Germania)
- 2/02/2025 - Astra Kulturhaus - Berlin (Germania)
- 2/02/2025 - Docks - Hamburg (Germania)
- 2/02/2025 - Docks - Hamburg (Germania)
- 0/03/2025 - 013 - Tilburg (Paesi Bassi)
- 0/03/2025 - Fabrique - Milano (Italia)
- 0/03/2025 - Fabrique - Milano (Italia)